It starts with why.
Why do I want to be healthy? Why should I be healthy? Why should I get in shape? Why shouldn’t I live randomly? Why should I have a sustainable castle of health?
These are important questions because they impact our motivation, largely determine our resilience to stick with needed changes, and ultimately determine how far we are willing to go. Without getting the whys, we cannot understand and appreciate all the hows involved.
The answers to these questions differ from person to person. Some of us want to have better quality of life. Some of us want to live longer, some want to look good in the mirror, while some simply want to sleep better. I admit there are truly many reasons, and it is not unusual to have multiple reasons or to have one’s reasons change half-way through. But there must be a reason to keep moving forward. This is what informs our attitude to our health.
Why Attitude matters

A positive approach, a positive mindset, is often the first step to achieving better health. Once you have your reason for sustainably improving your health, you have something to aim at, something to hope for. You can craft a positive feeling towards your health from there.
This is of course an idea compatible with scientific research. Our thoughts, words, and actions matter. They affect our health far more than we know. I do not mean we should deceive ourselves and think an unhealthy state can be made healthy with nothing but positive vibes, or believe we are physically fit enough when we obviously are not. Not at all. I mean we should have hope and believe that things will improve.
This positive mindset/attitude remains indispensable to sustainable progress. In later posts, we will look at ways to improve our attitudes to our health. Meanwhile, what ways can you think of right now? Kindly share in the comment section!