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A Brief Look at the basics: AH NEW START


Updated: Nov 14, 2024

I suspect we can agree on this: it’s one thing to know that we need to get in shape, get fit or stay healthy, it’s another thing to know where to start. You do a web search, and it looks like everyone has got this new, ultimate way you can be healthier – but they can be so different from each other. In fact, you can quickly get overwhelmed by all the “great advice” and simply be paralyzed into inaction.

Best to avoid that.

This is why I have decided that we should start by looking at some of the very basic principles on healthy living, and expand on them one by one from a practical point of view. I mean, the basics are just the place to start if you are going to be healthy sustainably. No point getting fit on a new fad for two weeks only to crash back to the “unfit-ness” you started with – or worse!

We can each build a sustainable castle of health, able to withstand the storms of life, and these basics are just what we will be needing to get a solid foundation going.


When we think of basic principles for healthy living, there should be no list that will exclude these nine. Of course, this is not an original idea of mine, these principles have been around for decades, tested and tried, and have stood the test of time. I love them for their simplicity and effectiveness. They are:

·         Attitude

·         Hygiene

·         Nutrition

·         Exercise

·         Water

·         Sunshine

·         Temperance

·         Air

·         Rest

·         Trust

Over the next couple of posts, we will look at these principles individually and give ourselves a strong, firm foundation on which to build our sustainable castle of health.

What other health principle(s) do you think is so basic that it should be included in this group? Let us know in the comments below!



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